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Saturday, March 20, 2010

A man ate child’s brain


What kind a bizarre news be!!! A man has eaten up a child’s brain to cure his epilepsy. What shocking news!!! But it is true. The incident took place at Qixian village in Yunnan, south west China. The man killed a boy just to have the brain of the boy. The man then ate the brain and buried the body.

The incident came to light when the boy’s mother shouted for her son who had been missing from the night. She even asked the village head to help her in finding her son.

The search party discovered the boy’s body buried three miles away in a grain field, with the top of his head peeled back and part of his brain removed. Two blood stained rocks with some fractured bones were also found beside the boy's body.

The man was arrested and he told the police that he believed an old wives' tale that eating the brain with earthworms and ants would cure his fits. Compelled by that story and to cure his epilepsy he had killed that boy and eat his brain.


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