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Friday, April 3, 2020

Super Pink moon, biggest and brightest full moon of 2020, to be visible on April 7


We have all heard of the super moon, but now comes another phenomenon known as the Super Pink moon. And while most times, stargazers have a special place they go to, everyone is stuck at home this time, courtesy the coronavirus outbreak.

The Super Pink moon is what astronomers call as a perigean full moon. At this time, the moon is at its closest distance to earth at 356,907 km away. The full moon of April is generally called the pink moon according to old Native American culture and is really no indication of the colour the moon will take.

The best time to watch the super pink moon will be on April 7 at moonrise in the early hours of the night or at moonset before dawn. There will be a problem since you are stuck at home, thanks to the lockdown in India, but if you have an east-facing window with a clear view of the sky, it shouldn’t be a problem.

However, do not expect a dramatic increase in size. The moon can appear just up to 30 percent larger than on any average day, but it will be spectacular nonetheless if caught at the right time of the night.



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