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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Son told to pay dues to see his mother


What can be worse when a son is asked to pay the due to see his dying mother inside the hospital bed? This happened in AMRI hospital on Friday when Biswanath Das asked the guards to let him in to see his mother. The guards did not allow him and asked him to pay the dues to see his mother. As per the guards statement they can’t allow a patient to leave without clearing dues. They did not comment on the point that Mr. Das has asked them let him go in.

"How can a human being say that to another?" Das keeps asking himself. "How can anyone be so insensitive? If I had been allowed in, I just might have rescued my mother. For all you know, she might have been alive when I was arguing with the guard at the hospital. It was 5am," he said.

Mr. Das said that he could not stay at home when he heard the accident and rushed to the hospital. He had already paid 70,000 and he could not carry the remaining 15,000 when news spread. His first aim was to rescue his mother from the ablaze hospital. He even pleaded the guards to let him rescue his mother and he would pay the rest 15,000. But the guards did not listen to his pray nor did they take action to rescue the mother. The old and 60-year-old mother gasped her last breaths on Bed No. 2319 inside the hospital. None could rescue her but let her die helplessly.


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