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Sunday, January 31, 2010

A visit to Book Fair


I have made a short trip to Book Fair today. It was really a congested place as huge visitors could not visit yesterday due to power failure and have come today to quench their thirst. I do like such fair as i am book lover, i was even used to be called as Bookworm.. Alas!! i dont get enough time to read now

Well.. lets go to the situation of the book fair.. it was really a congested place, the crowd was just double of a normal day. Being Sunday people got a good chance to spend the day there. I was with my friend and we have had a good moment there visiting stalls and had a glimpse of the books we had been able to touch..

Dust had got a good chance to show its power, everywhere i could found this great avatar roaming about and preparing himself for another fight with the people there trying save themselves..

Children as well as school goers also have learned the use of visiting book-fair. They have found a good opportunity to buy many story books and escape from the study for that day. It is a good sign that the parents also encourage their children and bring them to such fairs.

We all love books, i realized though we hardly get time to read. But the effort we do to manage time and come to such fairs proves that we really love books.

There are many fairs and exhibitions organized every year but only the book fair earns such huge visitors. Definitely we all love books.

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