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Monday, December 10, 2007

Was Leonardo Da Vinci an Arabian???


Recently a shade has-been given to the research on Leonardo Da Vinci’s life & works that he may have had an Arab heritage. According to Italian researchers they have spied a fingerprint of Da Vinci in one of his paintings and claimed that it was his index finger that they have found on one of his famous masterpieces.

Leonardo Da Vinci used his finger to smudge a necklace’s shadow in one of his paintings. The finger print has been approved as his own after 3 years of scrutinizing 52 manuscripts and paintings. The team have found more than 200 prints and finally one has been entitled as his own.

No doubt that this invention would give weight to the increasingly popular academic theory that Da Vinci’s mother, Caterina was a slave who had come to Tuscany from Istanbul. Almost nothing is left of Da Vinci or his family. After his death in 1519; his remains were dispersed in a series of religious war.


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